Find the plan that’s right for you.
Health Insurance does not have to be complicated…
Island Insurance works closely with top health carriers to find the best possible solutions and coverage at an affordable price. Going to the “Marketplace or the Insurance Exchange” allows us the flexibility to custom design a plan perfect for you or family budget and needs.
Obtain the coverage you deserve.
Frank Mansuetto is certified and authorized to assist with plan selections from the Health Exchange (see below) it is an opportunity to select amongst different insurance companies and different plan designs,
Avoid the "Tax" Penalty.
If an individual is unable to obtain health insurance through their employer, they will be eligible to obtain coverage through the health exchange. An individual without health insurance coverage will be required to pay an individual "tax" or penalty as stated by the “Affordable Care Act”, so allow us to obtain coverage to dismiss the penalty.
How does it really become more affordable? Now through the exchange you can save money off the cost of these policies. This savings lowers the actual premium to make it more affordable based on your income. This is called an Advanced Premium Tax Credit where we help our clients qualify for this benefit. We can help you fully understand the savings that is available to you and your family and the financial impact.
We are certified on the exchanges below; please click on either New York or Idaho to get an idea of the cost and savings on health insurance: Select Island Financial Services, Inc., Frank Mansuetto as your broker and we will receive notice from the exchange to assist you.
New York State Health Benefit Exchange > Your Health Idaho Exchange.
Available Products
• Health Insurance
• Dental Insurance
• Disability Insurance
• Vision Insurance